Erica is a gifted legacy medium who has performed hundreds of readings on-site in locations as diverse as Ireland; Salem, Massachusetts; Liguria, Italy; and the Gold Coast of Australia. Her travels have taken her wide and far, on a miraculous journey of connection, communication, and discovery.
In Great Britain, partnered with the University of Northampton, and under the expertise of scientists Chris Roe and David Saunders, Erica participated in groundbreaking scientific research to further illuminate the field of mediumship and expand on the scientific knowledge of connection and consciousness. Erica is delighted and grateful to have been a participant for these studies.
Passionate about Spirit connection, and with a thirst to expand and illuminate all facets of the amazing miracle of existence, she takes great excitement in these aspects of her work. Erica continues to be eager and inspired to work to contribute to scientific exploration, discovery, and education. Likewise, she loves to travel the world in the hopes of sharing the healing and inspiration that our loved ones in Spirit so graciously and generously bring to our lives, and which we have the power to fully access, everyday!
In addition to her innate gifts as a natural born medium, Erica is continually seeking to advance her natural talent through extensive training and continuing education. She has studied with several celebrated international mediums including Sirry Berndsen, Brenda Lawrence, Eamonn Downey, Carole Lynne, and John Holland. Erica is currently personally mentored by International Mediums Tony Stockwell and Mavis Pittilla, both industry leaders of global respect and renown. She has studied at Arthur Findlay College in Essex, England, and looks forward to returning in 2018.
Erica currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts, where it all started, and where she calls home while dividing her time between traveling. Here she roots for the Boston Bruins, enjoys any time spent by the sea, snuggles her furbaby Humphrey, and gets as much movement in nature as time will allow. All this while relishing each and every moment that life provides us in the company of true friends and dear family, as the memories shared are the stuff of Spirit, and food for the soul.
Sessions are available in office or online. Travel considerations are made for groups, and stay tuned for upcoming demonstrations! Workshops and speaking engagements are also available and in progress. Check back for updated listings of events in your area!